Rules for Burial Space Owners
Monuments & Markers
A. Material: All monuments, markers, and cornerstones shall be constructed of granite or quartzite. Plaques attached to a monument or marker must be constructed of bronze.
B. Placement of Monuments: Monuments shall be placed at the head of a grave and mounted on a base and foundation, as specified by the cemetery. The cemetery is responsible for the construction of the foundation.
C. Placement of Markers: Flat, single or double markers shall be placed at the foot of the grave. "Slanting" markers shall be classified as monuments and shall be placed at the head of a grave, on the base. Slanting markers without a base are not permitted, except in case of matching markers already in place on a lot. If a cremains burial is added to an existing burial, or with two cremains in one grave space, one monument with one marker or two markers will be permitted on a single grave space.
D. Placement of Cornerstones: A cornerstone shall be flush with the ground.
E. Memorial Benches: Granite memorial benches may be used if approved by the board of directors. Benches shall be set on a concrete foundation and placed on an owner's unused grave space. If this space is later used for a burial, the bench must either be removed from the cemetery or, with the consent of the board, placed on an unplatted area in the cemetery, in which case it becomes the property of the cemetery.
Plants & Planters
The owner of a lot may plant perennial shrubs, as approved by the board. Annuals shall be planted in concrete or granite planters. The number and placement of planters must be approved by the Sexton. All planters must be placed on a concrete stepping stone or foundation extension. Planters may be removed by the cemetery staff if not properly filled, painted, or are cracked, broken, or generally neglected and determined to be unsightly.
The board retains control of all trees, shrubs, plants, and flowers and retains the right of removal if such become wilted, die, or are unsightly. No member, owner, or other individual may remove trees, shrubs, or wood without written consent of the board. Planters that are unplanted during the summer months may be removed and stored by the cemetery. All flower urns must be purchased from the cemetery.
Artificial & Other Decorations
Artificial and other decorations must be in concrete or granite flower urns. Artificial flowers and all other decorations including wooden crossed, painted stones, statues, and any other item placed on the ground will be removed and stored by the cemetery. Shepard hooks are not permitted.
Seasonal artificial flowers and wreaths will be allowed at graves ONLY during the following periods:
a. From October 15th through April 15th
b. From one week prior to Memorial Day to one week after
Artificial flowers and wreaths shall be removed at the expiration of the time limits. If not, such decorations will be removed by the cemetery staff and held for 30 days. If not reclaimed, the decorations will be discarded. In addition, the Association reserves the right to remove at any time, any artificial flowers or wreaths, which, in its opinions, becomes unsightly.
Baby Section
In addition to the preceding rules, three other decorations are permitted: stuffed toys, flags, or similar items.